Everyone is Welcome
Easter Sunday
Service on April 20th at 10 AM followed by Easter Brunch
Good Friday Services
Service on April 18th at 7 PM
Seven Last Words; Cantata composed by Heinrich Schütz (1645)
Easter Vigil: April 19 at 7 PM. Begins in the courtyard then moves to the Sanctuary.
Maundy Thursday: April 17th Soup supper at 5:30 pm & Worship @ 7 pm
Palm Sunday: April 13th at 10 AM
Lenten Midweek service of healing at 8:30 AM, Wednesdays in the Chapel.
Dates: March 26th, April 2nd & 9th
Spiritual Formation continued on Sundays March 30 and April 6
After services in the Fireplace Room within the Parish Hall
Topic: Gospel of Luke
Sunday Service
Holy Eucharist on Sundays, 10:00 am – 11:15 am in person.
All services are live-streamed through All Saints Episcopal Church Palo
Alto’s Facebook Page and YouTube Channel.
Morning Prayer on Thursdays
Every Thursday at 10:00 am, a group gathers for an online Zoom morning prayer. We would be delighted to have you join us. Please call or email Contact Us , the parish, to be added to the Zoom invite list. Or, call (650) 322-4528
Worship in the Round
The second Sunday of each month, in the sanctuary, at 5 PM, with supper to follow in the Parish Hall.
Everyone is welcome to our services. Please come and enjoy friendship, a convivial hot meal, conversation with fellow travellers in life’s journeys. Know that you are not alone. Worship with us in our sanctuary!
Annual Events
Blessing of the Animals annually
October 4, 2024 at 6 PM in the Courtyard

On Tuesday, December 24, 2024
Caroling in the Courtyard at 4:30 PM
Holy Eucharist Service in the sanctuary at 5:00 PM
No service on December 25.
Christmas Lessons & Carols with a Reception (Annually)
On Sunday, December 8, 2024, at 4:00 PM, the choir will lead us in the lovely and traditional Service of Lessons and Carols. Lessons begin with the story of the fall and continue with the promise of the Messiah and the birth of Jesus. The scripture readings are interspersed with the singing of Advent carols, hymns, and choir anthems. This is followed by a joyful Christmas dinner in the Parish Hall, complete with Christmas Carol singing. It’s a beautiful service and a delicious dinner party afterward.